Written by A.P. Stack
Directed by Jeremy Rogers and David Accampo
Starring Samantha Turk, Chad Ortiz, Bobby King and Jason Barbeck
Hollywood, 1928 – During the murder investigation of an undercover cop, two vice officers scramble to find the true identity of an elusive individual who’s known only as “the informant,” a killer, and possibly a cop, who tips off the mob to the whereabouts of the police during booze runs. The plot thickens when the vice officers stumble across a mysterious, seductive woman who claims to be a police mole, but who they believe could be “the informant.” She claims innocence. They claim guilt.
THE HOLLYWOOD INFORMANT is an ambitious and intricately designed black and white film noir. David Accampo and Jeremy Rogers were brought on to produce and direct the film as part of a collaboration with Gerardo Betancourt’s Geeworld Studios.
Visit www.imdb.com for complete cast, crew and credits.